Loops y Curvas – Crea Distinto

Loops & Curvas


From the beginnings of After Effects to the post-production of high-impact Loops


By purchasing this course you will have unlimited access. Learn at your own pace, at any time and day of the year


You will have exclusive support for students via email and private group on Facebook


Programs and tools are changing. If there are relevant developments, they will be quickly reflected in the course.

Create loops that impact you

✅ You will dominate After Effects from 0

✅ You will get to know the Chart Editor thoroughly

✅ You will learn to animate with speed curves

✅You will cheer to the rhythm of the music in a professional way

✅You will cheer to the rhythm of the music in a professional way

What lessons will you learn?

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▶ Knowing After Effects

▶ Import – Essential Tools

▶ Layer Properties

▶ Ram preview

▶ Timeline swiches

▶ Keyframing

▶ Keyframe speed

▶ Graphics editor

▶ Symmetric curves

▶ Create proxy

▶ Stabilized and prepared

▶ Timecode

▶ Loops with two keyframes

▶ Practice with curves and music 1

▶ Practice with curves and music 2

▶ Practice with curves and music 3

▶ Practice with curves and music 4

▶ Personalized traced

▶ Final export

Comprar con transferencia

$10,000ARS Pago único
  • Lifetime access
  • Free updates
  • Solve your doubts

Comprar con tarjeta

$20,000 ARS Pago único
  • Lifetime access
  • Free updates
  • Solve your doubts

Comprar con Paypal

$10 USD Pago único
  • Lifetime access
  • Free updates
  • Solve your doubts

Frequent questions

  • The courses on this website are 100% online. Available for any device. It is only necessary to have an internet connection

Adobe After Effects (2015 onwards)

The videos are not downloadable. But you can watch them online as many times as you want, 365 days a year.

Once the purchase is made, you will register on the page with a username and password. Then in the "login" menu you can view it. 

Yes, you can watch the course as many times as you want, without limitations.

You will have exclusive support via email after purchasing the course. 

Credit and debit card payments are accepted through PayPal

  • Refunds will be made as long as no more than 7 days have elapsed since the purchase.
  • The return will be valid as long as the student has not viewed more than 20% of the content of the courses they have purchased.
  • Refunds will be made by the same means that were implemented at the time of making the payment.
  • To request a refund, you must do so at alumnos@creadistinto.com

Latest reviews

Insane Hyperlapse

1 October, 2022

Si queres estar al dia con estas técnicas y competir con mas herramientas es fundamental capacitarse. Pablo, ademas de ser un gran profesional es un gran maestro de estas magias.

Agradecido por su tiempo para resolver mis dudas y su predisposición para enseñar sus secretos.

Avatar for Leo Marinsalta
Leo Marinsalta

Professional Hyperlapse

23 February, 2022

Mas allá de las técnicas, resolver dudas puntuales y algunas cosas que no entendía, me gusto mucho poder entender la parte teoría del curso hyperlapse. Con la teoría podes hacer TODO. Los equipos quedan totalmente de lado. Pablo es genio explicando y si tenés alguna duda, te manda un video personalizado resolviendo todo. Eso es muy destacable en un curso online a este precio. GRACIAS

Avatar for Ramiro

Professional Hyperlapse

31 May, 2023

Pablo es un crack. Tenía conocimientos previos sobre timelapses y hyperlapse, sin embargo, algunos de los proyectos que realizaban se volvían bastante retadores en el tema de estabilización. A través de este curso, adquirí nuevas a habilidades (tips) que me ayudaron a pulir mis hyperlapses. Todos los cursos que he realizado con Pablo han sido de gran calidad. Recomendado.


Hyperlapse profesional

29 May, 2023

Super completo y dinámico. Pablo no se guarda nada. Está buenisimo la cantidad de ejemplos que muestra para bajar los conceptos a la práctica

Avatar for Vicky

Hyperlapse Porfesional

28 May, 2023

Muy recomendable el curso para los que no tienen bien definidida esta tecnica, se explica a la perfeccion!

Avatar for Diego Crt
Diego Crt

Professional Hyperlapse

24 May, 2023

No van a encontrar en internet lo que explica Pablo, todo lo que necesitas saber para lograr hyperlapse profesional. Un curso claro, bien explicado, y generalmente a un buen precio. Si queres realmente aprender adquirilo con toda la confianza del mundo.

Avatar for Walter Sotelo
Walter Sotelo

Loops & Curvas y Hiperlapse

28 March, 2022

Buenas explicaciones y conceptos. Lo unico que tengo que remarcar es lo de la creacion de Proxys, es algo que yo no hacia y no recuerdo si lo pase por alto yo o no se dio la explicacion y/o finalidad que tenia el mismo. Sin dudas voy a hacer mas cursos !!!

Avatar for Franco Giulioni
Franco Giulioni

Response from Crea Distinto

Hola Franco! En ambos cursos hay lecciones sobre proxys. Por favor, escribime a alumnos@creadistinto.com para despejar cualquier duda. Gracias por tu reseña! 🙂

Professional Hyperlapse

26 February, 2022

Excellent course! Very good content. Very dynamic, Pablo is super clear when explaining. I recommend it 100%

Avatar for Leo Sanchez
Leo Sanchez

Hyperlapse Profesional y Loops

25 February, 2022

El curso es absolutamente completo de punta a punta, se explica de una forma sencilla como realizar un hyperlapse súper profesional, partiendo de cómo realizar una toma con distintas modalidades, hasta la post producción y renderizado. Se explica también la interfaz de After Effects y Lightroom. Y por si fuera poco todo esto, Pablo siempre está dispuesto a ayudarte. Recomendadísimo.

Avatar for Valentín Pozzi
Valentín Pozzi

Professional Hyperlapse

25 February, 2022

An excellent course to start with, the instructor makes learning very easy and in no time makes you aware of the endless possibilities of Hyperlapse in conjunction with After Effects. Thank you for such a course!

Avatar for Ezequiel Romero
Ezequiel Romero

Start creating high-impact loops now

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